Nutrition & Health


It is our mission to produce products with high nutritional value and great health benefits. Every activity that runs through our production is thus conducted in a way that reflects the same. TH Group’s continuous research into micronutrient fortification and other types of nutritional quality improvements directly influences health - a positive impact that will be further elaborated under ‘health’.

TH applies the world’s high-end technology to a closed production process from raw materials through preliminary treatment, processing and production, and quality control to the finished products, meeting the international quality standards. This is to ensure that TH’s products that are offered to our Vietnamese consumers are fresh, pure, nutritious and of the highest quality.

01 Dinh duong suc khoe


Nutrition is the ‘sum of processes by which a human takes in and utilizes food substances’ (referred from Merriam-Webster Dictionary). Health on the other hand refers both to the ‘condition of the body, mind or spirit’ as well as to ‘a condition in which someone is thriving or doing well’ (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). Health, therefore, encompasses much more than nutrition. Nutrition is however a key contributor to health.

While offering products that are as nutritious as possible, TH Group finds it very important to go beyond that to improve health on a broader, more far-reaching scale. We aim to do so by ensuring the quality and safety of all our products, and also be a leader in campaigning for healthy behaviour among children and raise awareness on the importance of good health and healthy habits.

  • The health of Mother Earth is the main concern of environmental sustainability.
  • The health of the people inhabiting it is a prerequisite.

So, to sustainably develop Vietnam and the world, health is a fundamental element. This is where we play a valuable role.

01 Dinh duong suc khoe